Monday, January 9, 2012

How hard was it for you to step out of your comfort zone?

I've ALWAYS been the shy type, the wall flower, the girl who likes to fade into the background. Most recently I applied for a job that wasn't available so I was offered something else. A position as a host. This means I have to greet EVERY single guest and when it gets crowded basically work the crowd. Ask where ppl are from, ask little trivia questions and as much as I need a job right now I am EXTREMELY reluctant. I was hyperventilating the entire time. How can I step out of my shell/comfort zone and be outgoing enough for this job?

How hard was it for you to step out of your comfort zone?

im very outgoing
Reply:why should you leave your zone, there are thousands of jobs for the introvert. I just signed up for a year of medical billing and coding? just one example
Reply:very hard
Reply:forget what people think and let loose

its VERy hard but you have to have self-determination, ALOT!

GOD BLESS with that!
Reply:I understand.. I was the same way.

You won't make it later in life unless you step out of your comfort zone.. when I got my first job greeting people and whatnot, I was very nervous.. but as time goes on, you makes mistakes, but you learn from it.

And the job can help in your social life.. you get more outgoing.. and you get some $$, hah.

But definitely stick with the job, I know its really hard but once you get more comfortable with the other workers and with greeting the customers.
Reply:It's always been hard for me to step out of my comfort zone. I'm one of those people that naturally underestimates my own abilities and I've allowed that to sometimes hold me back. It usually takes someone to literally push me to do something before I will take the plunge. Almost always though, I absolutely love the risk I take. It's like with every new thing I try, I learn to trust in myself a little more.

I think you should definitely go for the job. To me, it sounds like it might be a little challenging at first but..just think of how much it will help you to break out of your shell. Give it a try, what have you got to lose?
Reply:I was exactly like you,in one point in time.It took me awhile to step out of my zone.More likely you have to be the one to decide how comfort you around people and try to adjust to the situation that you are in.If you are close to family and friends and not strangers that you have to host to,then imagine those people as your family.As a host you want them to feel just as comfortable as you .Take a breather before you start work ,paste on a smile and get yourself ready to play the role and when you start to panic think of why you are doing this job,because that thought alone will probably make your day easier.Im still uncomfortable around big crowds,but I try not to think about it to much and just let myself go.I hope all works out well with the new job:)


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