Monday, January 9, 2012

When did you realize you were falling for someone?

I send her flowers she says I'm so fantastic.She also tells me that she likes that I get her sense of humor because no one else does and that we always crack each other up.I love this woman,but we are only friends for now.are these signs that she is breaking out of her shell. or am I just over analyzing?

When did you realize you were falling for someone?
I think when the day you give her a flower. Anylize what you feel and deep inside whats the reason why you give her a flower. In the first place you are already attracted to her.
Reply:When, my first thought in the morning was "damn its morning" and the second was "I wonder what she's doing".
Reply:You know you're falling for a girl when you start to think that you'll do something crazy to yourself if she chooses someone else. Now THAT'S love, very much apart from physical things.

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